First, I began my creative journey with studies in general art. Not happy with the knowledge I gained in the domain, I reached out to graphic design as a way to give a different outlet to my chaotic creativity. After exploring this sphere and working 3 months in Italy, I decided to add on to my experience by moving to Barcelona and doing a B.Sc. in Product Design.

Once in Barcelona, I have experienced multiple workshops and taken part of several projects like My Little Factory and Modiss (conceptual design project). I have also had the chance to realise various studies of usability and functionality. Examples of this work are studies in school furniture and tools for health professionals.

Despite the changes, I have found my way to combine product design and graphic design, as it is evident in the brand TrunkToThink that was created alongside Nil Teixidó and David Monso.

Currently, I freelance from the North of France working in different project of creative nature.


2012-2014 “TrunkToThink” Barcelona.

2012 Industrial and graphic design. GRIndustrial design, Barcelona.

2008-2013 B.Sc. Product Design EINA Escola d’Art i Disseny. Barcelona.

2008 -feb / apr- Leonardo Scholarship. Graphic Designer for Studio Metriche, Ancona Italia.

2005-2007 Advertising graphics. Art & Design School of Corella, Navarra. 

2003-2005 Bachelor of arts. Pamplona's Art School.